Uses of Interface

Packages that use Scope

Uses of Scope in treecalc.comp

Classes in treecalc.comp that implement Scope
 class ScopeComb
 class ScopedSymbol
 class ScopeNode
 class ScopeSimple

Fields in treecalc.comp declared as Scope
 Scope ModelSimple.combinedScope
 Scope ScopeComb.defineScope
 Scope ModelSimple.globalScope
 Scope ScopeComb.internalScope
 Scope ScopeComb.lookupScope

Methods in treecalc.comp that return Scope
 Scope ScopeSimple.getParent()
 Scope ScopeNode.getParent()
 Scope ScopedSymbol.getParent()
 Scope ScopeComb.getParent()
 Scope Scope.getParent()
 Scope TcAst.getScope()
 Scope SymbolImpl.getScope()
 Scope Symbol.getScope()
 Scope ScopedSymbol.getScope()

Methods in treecalc.comp with parameters of type Scope
 void TcAst.setScope(Scope scope)
 void SymbolImpl.setScope(Scope scope)
 void Symbol.setScope(Scope scope)
 void ScopedSymbol.setScope(Scope scope)

Constructors in treecalc.comp with parameters of type Scope
ScopeComb(Scope defineScope, Scope lookupScope)
ScopeNode(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String name, ScopeNode parentNode, Scope parent)
ScopeSimple(java.lang.String name, Scope parent)
ScopeSimple(java.lang.String name, Scope parent, boolean isFormulaTopScope)

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